Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Animals on pasture




Dairy Cows

Guest Milking

SueAnn milking Bre

Cultivating Tool


Weeded out the rhubarb bed, to prepare for woodchip mulching.

More Field Garden

More planting.

Midday in the Greenhouse

Monday, May 7, 2007

Out in the Field Garden

Weather finally permitting, the huge push to get plants into the ground begins -- onions, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, peas, and beans.

Broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce seedlings.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Bre Splat!

Just after being moved onto pasture, Bre is producing very watery poo since she is eating lots of juicy grass.

Jasper + Rex

Seed Potatoes

Seed potato left to dry up a little before planting.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Bacon just out of our smokehouse.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Ralph + Cory

Cory and Ralph visiting for a weekend. Ralph, the arborist, doing a little work on our trees.

Kale Flowering

Letting the kale go to seed.


Lovely Lynda visiting the farm.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Stinging Nettle

For dinner -- pork chops, stewed apples, and sauteed stinging nettles which tasted amazing.

Lamb check-up

Docking tails and ear tagging the newest lambs. Checking for castrability.